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The transformation to a Beast!

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My name is Damilare and Uncle Seun turned the beautiful soul in me to a beast... Who will save me now?.

He (Uncle Seun) wasn’t exactly my “Uncle”. He was an orphan who Daddy employed to work for the family and I grew to call him “Uncle”. I mean, he thought me all I needed to know as a child from helping with school assignments, football, play station, prepping me for school and the likes. I believe he did that job well. Whatever he did for me and to me was very much commendable. He did it perfectly well.

The five-year old me idolized him as my mentor. He was everything to me. Well, my parents were never available. They were all up for travels and business meetings. I remember, I used to miss them initially but as time went by, the love I had for my parents was quickly replaced with the love I found in the comfort and happiness Uncle Seun provides. He was my happy place.

My sixth year birthday was coming up soon. Dad and Mum had promised me how they would be available for my birthday and the nice and interesting places we would all visit together. Safe to say, I was excited and I already set my mind, body and soul in preparation for that day. It was the 6th day of June 1986.

But something happened that changed my entire life forever.

I woke up that morning... rushed to my parents room but they were not there. I checked the whole house for them, still no trace of them. Went to Uncle Seun’s room. He was still in bed but held a book in his hands. The cover of the book was quite interesting and weird but I was more concerned about the whereabout of my parents. I asked Uncle Seun and his response was “oh dear, mum and dad had an early flight to catch up. They were supposed to tell you but didn’t want you feeling sad. However, they asked I take you to any place of your choice”.

The words shattered my heart. It felt as though an earthquake was happening in it... it could pass for an “heartquake” if there was any word like that. The sound of my cry could be heard from 10,000 miles away. I was unhappy.

I looked forward to a happy sixth birthday and now this? How could they?!. It wasn’t like this was the first time my parents were disappointing me but this was my first birthday they would ever miss!!!. You feel my sadness now?.

As usual, my dear Uncle Seun became my peace. What a sweet and kind man... when he eventually marries, I’m sure his kids will have the best father ever”. I used to think to myself.

Just then, my eyes moved to the book Uncle Seun was reading. It had strange pictorials that I had never seen and I was curious to know what it meant.

My curious self asked in the most subtle way possible... “Uncle Seun, what book is this?” as I gently pulled it out from under the pillow where he had hid it when I walked in. He looked surprised but explained to me what it was. 

When I said Uncle Seun did this “Uncle thing” well, know that I wasn’t joking because he went further to show me a video on his laptop. It was the first I had ever seen or watched.

The book was a pornography magazine and the video was also a pornographic one.

With time, I enjoyed watching several related videos with Uncle Seun and it wasn’t long that he started practicing all we both watched with me.

The six-year old boy I was at that time knew it was wrong but wasn’t quite convinced as Uncle Seun always told me “this is what big boys your age do”. Yes, I was a BOY and I just clocked SIX!!!. 

He never hesitated to have carnal knowledge with me anytime my parents were not home. Oh scrap that, my parents were never home.

It became a way of life for me and I suddenly became withdrawn from my friends in school. Safe to say, I had no friends except young boys. My grades dwindled but I managed to scale through all classes without repeating anyone.

The experience with Uncle Seun was about 20 years ago.

Suddenly, my parents are mostly home and they keep calling to know when I will come visit. How ironic!.

I hear Uncle Seun is celebrating the sixth-year birthday of his last child, Anu in two weeks’ time. We happen to share same birthday, 6th day of June and he happens to be my best buddy too. His children are my besties actually.

If you are reading this, please pray for me.  I am broken, shattered and living with the sodomic venom Uncle Seun has poisoned me with. It’s killing me slowly but I can’t tell anyone.

You can blame whoever for this thing inside of me. I do not care! I am already who I am. I’m what you all refer to as a PAEDOPHILE. I agree! but also know that I know not what mercy is. I never got that privilege and I can’t give what I don’t have.

I walk around as a sane human beaming with the most sweetest smile but I am a beast! I destroy the life of any child who comes to me for solace with the FIRE in me. Young boys are my favourite and this sodomy does not seem like it would end for me.

Be warned! Hide your teenage boys from me. I can’t help it! I can’t save myself!. You may call me whatever but I acknowledge the BEAST in me.

In two days, I move my bags to Uncle Seun’s. His wife just called informing me of their absence on Anu’s birthday as Uncle have to attend a 6-month training while she has to go on a business trip. 

How sweet because I get to plan the birthday celebration and have all four kids to myself to baby sit. Need I mention that they are all boys...  You may call this Karma but I envisage fun and a temporary quench of my abominable desires. But did Uncle Seun forget? What was he thinking to have his wife invite me to his home alone with the kids? I care less now.

Take your teenage boys away from me, I warn you again!. Run! Flee!!! I beg of you! Maybe until I can quench this burning fire inside of me. 

All thanks to Uncle Seun who turned my beautiful soul to a dreadful beast!.


Hey people, trust you have been fine since my last write-up. I have been doing great by the way. 

I know the above post was a long read. Forgive me but it was necessary.

The likes of Uncle Seun and his protege, Damilare are out there and they give no room for mercy. Let’s teach our kids all they need to know to be safe. The world is cold and full of evil.

Parents, please do well to be more careful and vigilant.

Thank you for taking the time-out with me (Cathy). I appreciate it much!🙏

Until next time, I extend my love and light to you. XoXo 🤗😘💜

N.B: This above story is a work of fiction, all characters and events depicted in this are entirely fictitious. Any similarity to actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for reading and for your time!����

  2. I had a good read, Cathy. It's my first time reading your piece and trust me, it was worth my time.

    1. Thanks so much. I appreciate this ��

  3. Thank you. This means a lot to me ��


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